Saturday, December 10, 2005

Tammy's Girls

Tammy's girls keeping busy. Tammy says..Rebekah the oldest is 8 years old in the 3rd grade. She is a A student and involved in soccer, basketball, and softball. She is a great big sister and wants to be involved in everthing we do. Emma the 2 year old, is just a her. She is in her teriible twos and wants everything to be revolved around her. She really keeps me going. She adores her big sister and wants to do everthing she does. Leah, is presently 7 months. She was born on April 25th. She has already started sitting up on her own and just babbles away. She is a very good baby. Now I have to get her to be more mobile so now comes the crawling stages and eventually walking. I really do not have a lot of time do much just tend to my girls. After work they occupy all my time. If Rebekah doesn't have some sort of practice then I am at home trying to keep some structure.

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