Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Tutu's back

Tutu arrived last week a few days before Christmas from Spain. He is due to return to work first week of January. Here is a photograph of him working while out there. With his beard grown like that he looks just like my dad when he was yonger. He is doing well. You can see a picture of him and his girlfriend Judy by clicking on the 'Tutu and Judy' link in the archive section of this page.

New Family

Here's the latest addition to the Forde family. His name is Ewok and I got him from my wonderful hubby for Christmas. He is a Shitz Hu and is 7 weeks old.
Love Anita

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

DeRusse Darlings

DeRusse Seasons Greeting!,
Adrian Luana DeRusse will be turning 3 months old on the 30th of this month. Time has flown by so fast. Gabe and I haven't had a chance to catch up on our sleep since Sammy was born, but it's been worth every sleepless night. Adrian cues all the time and she's tall for her age. Sammy loves to kiss her and occacionally puts the pacifier in her mouth. Hopefully Sammy, Adrian, and I will have a chance to meet the rest of the family in Texas soon!


Saturday, December 17, 2005



Wednesday, December 14, 2005


These are recent pictures sent by Estella of her on a cool Fall day in Texas with Olga's grandaughter. She and Olga will be visiting Rita for Christmas. Have fun ladies!

Monday, December 12, 2005

Dominic and I were in Houston for a visit in April of 2005...includes George's family, Bruni.

The Beeville Bunch

This is the latest picture of the Beeville Beauties all together to date. Thanks for sending this Bruni. Starting at top Nacho, Elena, Estella, Maria, Wally. Bottom Loinel, Gloria and Rita.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Thanksgiving Turkeys

Sam and his cousins, Jazmin, Janee (Nay-nay), Jonathan and Joseph (joe-bob) having a short but wonderful quite moment after feasting on Thanksgiving dinner.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Tammy's Girls

Tammy's girls keeping busy. Tammy says..Rebekah the oldest is 8 years old in the 3rd grade. She is a A student and involved in soccer, basketball, and softball. She is a great big sister and wants to be involved in everthing we do. Emma the 2 year old, is just a her. She is in her teriible twos and wants everything to be revolved around her. She really keeps me going. She adores her big sister and wants to do everthing she does. Leah, is presently 7 months. She was born on April 25th. She has already started sitting up on her own and just babbles away. She is a very good baby. Now I have to get her to be more mobile so now comes the crawling stages and eventually walking. I really do not have a lot of time do much just tend to my girls. After work they occupy all my time. If Rebekah doesn't have some sort of practice then I am at home trying to keep some structure.

Tutu and Judy October 2005

We met at a church where I was a worship leader at, and he fell hopelessly in love with me (Yeah Right!) We did meet at church and I was the worship leader, but he didn’t fall hopelessly in love. He actually didn’t speak to me until after about 6 months from the time he began attending. I think we both had a crush on each other but were too either intimidated or shy to talk to each other. Anyway, as you can see, we both finally spoke to one another and here we are. I guess we do what typical couples like to do: movies, dinner, and hang out with friends and family. He calls me “Gorda” which I hate, but it’s all good. I call him “Fatso” which he loves because he is comfortable in his thick skin. I think we are both very different from each other which allows us to mesh well. Sorry that we sound pretty boring.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Trapani Time

Hello all these pictures have been sent by Bruni, the extended Northern Cali Guzmans. Thanks Bruni!


Hello please note the attached photo of the latest Southern California addition to our family. Adrian DeRusse here is shown ready to devour the annual turkey drumstick. She is so georgous and looks just like her big brother Sammy.

California's Latest

Greetings Family
I am in the works of creating a blog special designed for our family. In this I will post, photos of everyone's kids, holidays and special events that we might not otherwise be able to be a part of since some of us are far from eachother. Please forward me any pictures and updates on how you are doing so that I might be able to add you to our site. I will begin by adding recent photos of us here in Southern Cali and of some that have been recently sent to me. Again I will update this as much as I can and whenever I recieve new news from anyone. I look forward to seeing how this will turn out. Thanks.